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Jemima Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

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scorpio Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Scorpio Horoscope

Wed, 4th December 2024
Oscar Cainer

You don't like seeing people waste their time or make expensive mistakes. Which is why you're such a helpful person to have around. You leap in when needed and set things on the right track. But sometimes, folk have to find things out for themselves... the hard way. Your current issue stems from a rapidly growing, confusing situation. It's frustrating, but you might have no option but wait for everyone involved to be ready to explore a different option. Plus, if you hold yourself back, it might turn out to be less complex than it looks. Black Friday / Cyber Monday - Act Fast! 50% OFF your 2025 'Guide to the Future' ( *runs from now until the very end of 2025), with a free Personal Profile Chart token and complimentary Tarot readings.









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Scorpio - Your December Monthly Horoscope: How important are you? How much power do you wield? Is this going to be a successful month? Or is there a risk you're going to feel disappointed? If I were in your shoes, I'd be optimistic. In December, with lucky Jupiter linking to your ruler, Pluto, not only are you more powerful, you've got the insight to influence a process that moves your life forwards in a positive direction. By the Solstice, you'll have so much more confidence about the way ahead that you'll surprise yourself with how much you enjoy the festivities.

Scorpio -

Scorpio - Yesterday's Forecast:
You've been spinning lots of plates and juggling lots of people's needs for a while. I'm not predicting that all those issues are going to disappear today. You're not going to find yourself sitting around twiddling your thumbs wondering what to do with your time. But it's going to be easier to cope. As long as you're prepared to put in enough time and effort, you'll realise that the sense of urgency is dissipating. Which allows you to approach your challenges in a calmer way. Excellent. Because there's significant progress to be made. Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer - Act Fast! 50% Off Charts plus Freebies!

Scorpio - Mon Dec 02, 2024:
We enjoy reading art/movie/food critiques. But do the people whose words we value have special talents? Aren't we all born blessed with the capacity to find fault? There's much more to it than that. These people need to be experts. It's not only about pointing out what's wrong; it's being able to do it in a way that's different to other critics. And it's also, of course, about being able to point out what's right. When dealing with a tricky situation today, if you look for the positives, you'll be surprised to discover the good news it holds.

Scorpio - Sun Dec 01, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We've all got a drawer filled with bits and bobs which we don't quite know what to do with. We might not know what they are - but we're not going to throw them away. Suppose they turn out to be the essential bit that's missing from something-or-other? In your relationship world, the New Moon highlights an aspect of your past that you've all but forgotten. It's a resource you've set aside. But if you bring it into your consciousness, you can apply it to what's happening now. It will help you resolve a misunderstanding. Black Friday / Cyber Monday - Act Fast! 50% OFF your 2025 'Guide to the Future' ( *runs from now until the very end of 2025), with a free Personal Profile Chart token and complimentary Tarot readings.

Scorpio - Sat Nov 30, 2024:
Your December Monthly Horoscope: How important are you? How much power do you wield? Is this going to be a successful month? Or is there a risk you're going to feel disappointed? If I were in your shoes, I'd be optimistic. In December, with lucky Jupiter linking to your ruler, Pluto, not only are you more powerful, you've got the insight to influence a process that moves your life forwards in a positive direction. By the Solstice, you'll have so much more confidence about the way ahead that you'll surprise yourself with how much you enjoy the festivities.

Scorpio - Fri Nov 29, 2024:
Some people are fiercely motivated. Others are happy to go with the flow. But none of us are immune to changing moods. And in certain situations, we can all be provoked into experiencing swings of emotions. We can go from happy to sad (and vice versa) in the blink of an eye. One piece of news can do it. A conversation. For some time, an issue has been negatively affecting your sense of self-worth. You suspect that it's going to take equally long for you to regain your confidence. But this weekend brings a joyful change. Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer - Act Fast! 50% OFF your 2025 'Guide to the Future' ( *runs from now until the very end of 2025), with a free Personal Profile Chart token and Three Free complimentary Tarot readings.

Scorpio - Thu Nov 28, 2024:
You're dealing with a sensitive situation that needs to be delicately adjusted. It's so carefully balanced that if you shift your weight, it will swing to an extreme. From your current position you're focusing on an inequality which you feel the need to address. And you're tempted to throw your weight onto the 'other' side of an argument. But the risk is that you'll skew matters in a less-than satisfactory way. Help! You're right to take action. But with Mars slowing to turn retrograde, make sure your moves are small and gentle.

Scorpio: - Wed Nov 27, 2024:
Being a sensitive Scorpio, your psychic powers are strong. So, suppose we give them a test? Start by turning your intellectual capacity down. Then tune into your intuition. Ready? Now, how many fingers am I showing you? Correct! With Mercury (planet of ideas and communication) moving retrograde, if you believe in your abilities, you'll be able to see the magic in a series of coincidences that relate to your past. It's a chance to find missing pieces of a jigsaw and build a fuller picture that provides you with a vision of your future. Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer - Act Fast! 50% Off Charts plus Freebies!

Scorpio - Tue Nov 26, 2024:
Is planet Earth big enough for all its inhabitants? Surely, the answer is 'yes'? Despite all our problems, there's enough room for everyone. And the cosmic energy at the heart of everything cares for each and every one of us. Using your diplomatic skills, you can be a force for good today. By demonstrating forgiveness, you'll encourage other people, who feel less benevolent than you, to find a way to accept a situation they've been challenged by. It's not about giving in. It's about finding a way to work collaboratively.

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