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Jemima Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

libra Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Libra Horoscope

Wed, 3rd July 2024
Oscar Cainer

You don't have to look far to realise that life isn't fair. It's obvious that some people don't have enough, while others have too much. Similarly, some get away with things that others don't. What can we do about this? The problem is that fairness is hard to quantify. We don't all agree about what's fair and what's not. Still, Librans have a better sense of it than most of us. And in your world now, as your ruler, Venus, links with Saturn (the cosmic teacher), you're moving into a position that feels much fairer. Good. You deserve it.

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Libra - Your July Monthly Horoscope: We can all be gripped by a good TV drama. When we identify with the characters, we relate to their problems as if they're our own. If they're experiencing stress, we feel it too. But when it comes to dealing with the soap operas in our own lives, the tension is on a completely different level. Someone in your world is going through a challenging time. And you want to help. Although July will bring a few dramatic moments, it's set to work out well for everyone. And you play an important role in developing the storyline's happy ending.

Libra -

Libra - Yesterday's Forecast:
The trouble with pots of gold at the end of rainbows is that they're impossible to find. No one (to the best of my knowledge) has managed it. So, we look for things that are findable. Sadly, some of these tend to lead us into cloudy-sky territory; we find it easy to find fault. And once we start heading down that road, faults are easy to find. You've had a great idea. But instead of actioning it, you're ripping it to shreds. Stop! This is a rainbow worth following. You won't find a pot of gold. But you'll discover a path that leads towards a brighter future.

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Libra - Mon Jul 01, 2024:
Critical faculties are part of our human survival kit. They help us make decisions. The problem is that they swing from one extreme to another. They leap into action when we don't like someone (or something), or when we're enthused by a person (or a situation). But when strong emotions are stirred up, they don't seem capable of moderating themselves. We might know that moderation is a good thing, but that doesn't mean it's easy to implement. Retrograde Saturn enables you to find a balanced viewpoint today.

Libra - Sun Jun 30, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: With a click of your fingers, you won't be able to make everything go to plan. But you've got more power and influence than you think. And this week, in one key area of your emotional life, your actions can have a big impact. Your decisions will have significant consequences. Eek! If that sounds scary, don't panic. If you follow your heart, the choices you need to make will be straightforward. And if you're gracious to someone whose behaviour has been questionable, you'll make space for healing - which will benefit you both.

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Libra - Sat Jun 29, 2024:
Your July Monthly Horoscope: We can all be gripped by a good TV drama. When we identify with the characters, we relate to their problems as if they're our own. If they're experiencing stress, we feel it too. But when it comes to dealing with the soap operas in our own lives, the tension is on a completely different level. Someone in your world is going through a challenging time. And you want to help. Although July will bring a few dramatic moments, it's set to work out well for everyone. And you play an important role in developing the storyline's happy ending.

Libra - Fri Jun 28, 2024:
We use lots of different criteria to define ourselves; like where we're from, what we do, and who our friends are. The films and TV shows we enjoy, the music we like, and our fashion tastes add colour to our definition. Yet since many of these can change, no one can ever be really sure about who they are. And that inherent uncertainty makes us grip tightly onto what we've got. You're realising that you don't feel the same way about something (or someone). Although it's making you feel insecure, it will ultimately make you stronger.

The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!

Libra - Thu Jun 27, 2024:
Be bold today. Think big. Don't dismiss an idea just because it sounds hard to develop. Or turn down an offer because it might disrupt the status quo. If you accept that you're being inspired, and believe in positive possibilities, you'll open up doors in areas of your life that feel stuck. As Mercury links with Jupiter, there's magic in the air. It's appropriate to assume that some of it will make its way into your world. As long as you're prepared to consider the options coming your way, you'll make space for an almost miraculous change.

Libra: - Wed Jun 26, 2024:
Unless you're a cold shower person, getting the water to the right temperature can be challenging. A tiny turn of the controls can have a big effect. What are you meant to do? Purchase a more expensive unit? Or invest in a different attitude? Could you be overly-sensitive about a situation you're trying to control? Or demanding perfection that's impossible to achieve? No one's expecting you to put up with something that makes you uncomfortable. But if you lower your emotional temperature, you'll find an easy way to cope today.

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Libra - Tue Jun 25, 2024:
The trouble with problems is that the more seriously we take them, the harder it is to see lighter ways of looking at them. And when we're weighed down by the load we're carrying, we struggle to find the energy to shift it. If you want to exert power and influence over the issue that's taking up so much of your time and energy, stand back and view it from another angle. Somewhere within what seems so serious is an element of ridiculousness. Find that, and you'll be able to take steps to resolve it. It's much easier than it looks.

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