Taurus -
Taurus - Your February Monthly Horoscope: In order to deliberately deceive someone, the trick (apparently) is to stick as close to the truth as possible. Rather than creating an intricate web of deceit, it's best to modify our story so that we end up with a slightly altered version of actual events. But you'll be glad to hear that you won't need to do that in February. Just because Uranus, the change-maker, turns direct in your sign at the start of the month, and you find yourself full of surprisingly unconventional ideas, you'll gain power and influence by being true... to yourself and to others.
Taurus - Yesterday's Forecast:
Reading your prediction isn't the only thing that indicates your outlook over the coming days. There's a more spectacular, visual clue available. Try walking outside. Or glancing out of the window, and checking out the night sky. The planets are moving to form a spectacular Planetary Parade. And your ruler, Venus, is shining so brightly, its influence is affecting us all. Even though you feel as if you have lots of different plates to keep spinning, there is help and support on hand. You're going to enjoy what happens this weekend.
- The coming week brings a wonderful blend of energies: motivation paired with mindfulness, action balanced with reflection. How to make the most these seemingly contradictory influences? Learn more...
Taurus - Thu Feb 20, 2025:
Small details can make a huge difference. Imagine, for example, if Da Vinci had painted the Mona Lisa with a big smile on her face? Or if Tchaikovsky had composed a ballet about ducks rather than swans? As Mercury (planet of intellect) links with expansive Jupiter, it highlights a detail you've been concerned about. You can't decide whether it's vitally important, or whether you should let it go. Today brings perspective. By weighing up the pros and cons again, you'll be able to come to a decision... and implement it.
Taurus - Wed Feb 19, 2025:
Can we rely on the fact that we get wiser as we get older? There's no surefire guarantee. What's certain though, is that the opposite isn't true; the more life experience we have, the more we understand that if there's no room for laughter, there's something wrong with the choices we're making. So, as we mature, we need to make the effort to develop the childlike side of our personality; and try to prioritise enjoying ourselves. Today brings a chance to have fun. Seize it with both hands. Joy and wisdom go hand-in-hand.
This coming week, Mars says "get moving," while Venus mutters "not so fast." How best to deal with these contradictory influences? Learn more...
Taurus - Tue Feb 18, 2025:
If we were all subjected to the exact same kind of pressure, we'd all respond differently. Our reactions depend on multiple factors; our personalities, our support systems, and our life experience. So what, to you, might turn out to be transformative, might be destructive to someone else. What's too much to one person might be just enough for another. Avoiding pressure isn't going to get you very far today. Is the stress of a current scenario really 'too much'? Or might it be providing you with the motivation you've been missing?
Taurus - Mon Feb 17, 2025:
We know we're supposed to get wiser as we grow older; that age comes hand-in-hand with experience, and that we need to respect our elders. But how do we know, with certainty, that these ideas are true? Is age a guarantee of wisdom? Aren't young people capable of being wise? Of course they are. Intellect and knowledge only form part of the picture. Although experience counts, instincts and intuition are essential qualities too. You've got access to those today. If you follow your heart, you'll make an important, wise decision.
Listen! The stars aren't being difficult just to annoy you. There's a method to the madness. How best to deal with the upcoming contradictory influences? Learn more...
Taurus - Sun Feb 16, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Our spinning ball of rock travels around the Sun. Like other celestial bodies, it moves in a cyclical motion. Meanwhile, our lives experience ups and downs. Everything has positives and negatives. Even going on holiday to an ideal destination involves a complicated process of travelling; there's always hustle and bustle before calm. Whether you're experiencing physical or psychological discomfort, the cosmic message is clear. You're moving into a relaxing phase. Your recent journey hasn't been easy, but it's been worthwhile.
Taurus: - Sat Feb 15, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: There are no laws against being happy. There are no regulations stipulating the amount of joy we're allowed to feel. These emotions aren't taxable. And smiling (which is often a by-product) has no negative consequences. Unhappiness, on the other hand, produces frowns and affects our ability to interact with others. This week's cosmic message couldn't be clearer. With the Sun and Mercury in Pisces, if you focus on things and people that make you feel good, you can inspire others. Give yourself the favour you deserve!
- Next week the interplay between Mars's imminent forward momentum and Venus's thoughtful influence creates a fascinating balance. Learn more...
Taurus - Fri Feb 14, 2025:
As a loyal Taurean you do your best to keep promises and not let people down. When someone's having a hard time, you always go out of your way to help. But the trouble with being so generous is that you spread yourself so thinly that you find yourself needing the helping hand you normally give so freely. As with so many things in life, it's a question of balance. As you prepare to reach out on Valentine's Day, make sure that it's a mutually beneficial exchange. This weekend, a delightful compromise is possible.