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Jemima Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

capricorn Zodiac Sign

Capricorn Horoscope

Sat, 4th May 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Should we let kids do what they like and give them the freedom to take risks? Or do they need to be guided and taught strict boundaries? It's an age-old debate, which we're not going to solve in your prediction! The point is that people can have dramatically different views. This New Moon week, it's not about the strategy you choose to follow, it's the importance of thinking it through. Be guided by your experience. If you're prepared to adapt to an unfolding situation, you'll find that it works out remarkably well.

But, wait a moment, just what is the Cainer Horoscopes 5 Star Service? Take a free trial and find out!

Your Capricorn forecast for 2024 and Capricorn Video for 2024 from Jemima.








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Capricorn -

Capricorn - Your May Monthly Horoscope: Sometimes, making 'smart' decisions involves using your skill and experience to discern the right action to take. And sometimes, it's smarter just to accept what life brings your way and allow things to unfold. This month, even if you're unsure about other people's decisions, it's a good idea to go with the flow. Thinking about how you'd do things differently is only going to make you stressed. And there's no need for that in May. If you relax, and take the pressure/responsibility off yourself, you'll be delighted with what evolves.

Capricorn - Yesterday's Forecast:
Some promises are easy (even effortless) to keep. We want to make them. We see that following them through will improve our lives. Imagine the surprise when life has other plans. It brings distractions and irritations that grab our attention. We take our eye off the ball and fall back into our old ways. Yet we're not back at square one. The weekend brings proof that although a hiccup has proved that old habits die hard, the new way you've been working on is better. Here comes a chance to return to a positive routine... and stick to it.

But, wait a moment, just what is the Cainer Horoscopes 5 Star Service? Take a free trial and find out!

Capricorn - Thu May 02, 2024:
We often follow rules without thinking about what we're doing or why we're doing it. Sometimes, even if other people are questioning the rationale, we carry on; it's what we've always done. You don't think there's anything you can do to get out of a tricky situation. But if you find the courage to challenge an old assumption, and are brave enough to apply a different set of standards, you can rewrite the rulebook. If you trust (and follow) your feelings, the landscape will alter. And you'll find the freedom to create change.

Capricorn - Wed May 01, 2024:
It's hard to know which path to follow. You've got a strong desire to pursue a long-held ambition, but your inner voice of reason is telling you it's impossible; that the odds are stacked against you and that your vision is illusory. Obviously, you don't want to waste your time. But that voice is coming from a place of fear. And you're a determined Capricorn. With your ruler, Saturn, in a powerful position today, stop doubting and start doing. If you banish those anxious thoughts, you'll find yourself on a path that leads to success.

And one last thing, if you haven't yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you've been missing out. Change your future... click here!

Capricorn - Tue Apr 30, 2024:
Before we had satellite navigation systems it was possible to make a wrong turn and get really, really lost. People had to use actual maps to ensure they were on the right path. If only someone could invent a similar kind of device that helped us make good choices on our emotional journeys! Yet those times we think we've taken a wrong turn are adding to our life experience. And often, when we think we've gone 'wrong', we're heading towards something that's really, really right. Trust that you are on the right course today.

Capricorn - Mon Apr 29, 2024:
Our friends and enemies have more in common than we think. When we dislike people it's often because we've got lots in common with them. If we spent time together, we'd agree about lots of things. It's the small issues of disagreement that cause problems. And if we found ourselves in the company of someone from a completely different corner of the world, it would be easy to get along. You can be the conduit for a conversation between people who are in a dispute. The healing will be to everyone's benefit (including you).

Oh, by the way, your full birth chart, calculated from your date of birth will tell you far more about what's in store and how to make it work for you. Click here!

Capricorn - Sun Apr 28, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Why should our emotional/relationship world ever bring us something we don't want it to bring us? Hmmm... the issue is that we're not always honest with ourselves. One part of us thinks we want something. But another part has different ideas. In your world now, is an aspect of your heart crying out for change? Could it be yearning for an experience that the more sensible part of your personality is trying to resist? If you really want things to stay under control, you'll have to work hard this week. Here comes an adventure!

Capricorn: - Sat Apr 27, 2024:
Your May Monthly Horoscope: Sometimes, making 'smart' decisions involves using your skill and experience to discern the right action to take. And sometimes, it's smarter just to accept what life brings your way and allow things to unfold. This month, even if you're unsure about other people's decisions, it's a good idea to go with the flow. Thinking about how you'd do things differently is only going to make you stressed. And there's no need for that in May. If you relax, and take the pressure/responsibility off yourself, you'll be delighted with what evolves.

But wait, there's more to you than your sun-sign reading. You should read your personal horoscope report. Inside you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about your personality and what's in store for you in the future. You can download a personal horoscope chart here

Capricorn - Fri Apr 26, 2024:
Since we're all bombarded by algorithms, it's getting hard to be open-minded. From advertisers and influencers, to politicians and activists, we're inundated by people trying to get us to buy, vote, petition, and give them our support. It's no wonder we get so entrenched in our ways! When we're sure about our beliefs, at least that stops the alternatives taking up too much of our time. But our self-defense systems can work against us. Be open to a possibility today. It might come disguised as something that's easy to dismiss.

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