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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

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capricorn Zodiac Sign

Capricorn Horoscope

Sat, 22nd February 2025

Your Weekly Horoscope: How are you doing? Good thanks! What about you? Just imagine the billions of conversations happening right now, that started like this! Depending on how we're feeling and who we're talking to, we moderate our response. Sometimes, too much detail isn't appropriate; but sometimes, it is. The Planetary Parade, offers an opportunity to bring a truth into the open. You need to speak your truth (which might feel a bit scary). But if you honestly express your thoughts and intentions, a longed-for change can begin. This coming week, Mars says "get moving," while Venus mutters "not so fast." How best to deal with these contradictory influences? Learn more...









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Capricorn -

Capricorn - Your February Monthly Horoscope: Although 'money makes the world go round', 'all we need is love'. Whichever one of these drives our planet, there's another force that obliges us to keep moving; it's fear. Our worries and concerns motivate us to make decisions and take action. So, a small amount of fear is healthy and necessary. But a big amount, is harmful and unhelpful. February brings developments that will challenge you. But you're a resilient Capricorn; not only will you cope, you'll learn. And with the experience you gain you'll be able to shake off a big worry.

Capricorn - Yesterday's Forecast:
We often forget the great lengths we're prepared to go to just so that we can get away from our least favourite aspects of ourselves. But even if we take a plane to a remote corner of the globe, we can't escape our own company. We can pretend to be different to who we are, but we can't fake it forever. You're feeling under pressure to be someone you're not. Or to behave in a way that doesn't come naturally to you. But you can't (and shouldn't) alter your identity. This weekend, love yourself for who you are. Be proud to be you. - The coming week brings a wonderful blend of energies: motivation paired with mindfulness, action balanced with reflection. How to make the most these seemingly contradictory influences? Learn more...

Capricorn - Thu Feb 20, 2025:
Imagination is both a blessing and a curse. It can take us into a realm where dreams can be tried on for size. Or a black hole which we can vanish into. It all depends on how we use it. What's yours focusing on today? An inspiring possibility? Or an incapacitating worry? Our minds are just as able to convince us of negative illusions as positive ones. So, if you're going to believe anything today, make sure it's positive and worth your while. With Mercury (intellect) linking to lucky Jupiter, a dream can start to become a reality.

Capricorn - Wed Feb 19, 2025:
Some people are able to see the funny side of most situations. When everyone else is full of gloom and doom, they seek ways to brighten the mood. Yet, there are times when laughter doesn't feel right. And when jokes are made at someone else's expense, they're always inappropriate. Today, if you consider what's amusing about the scenario you're caught up in, you'll find real reasons to smile. The Sun's new position in Pisces promises that with a lighter approach, you'll be able to free yourself from an unnecessary concern. This coming week, Mars says "get moving," while Venus mutters "not so fast." How best to deal with these contradictory influences? Learn more...

Capricorn - Tue Feb 18, 2025:
You like having the space to think things through and plan them out. It's a skill which has proved its value on many occasions. Yet there are times when you don't need to apply such high levels of effort into making a choice. The Sun, in its new home in imaginative Pisces, where it joins Mercury (intellect) and your ruler, Saturn, shines its light onto a situation that's confounding you. And it shows you that you already know what to do. You're rejecting an idea because it seems too good to be true. But it's not. It's safe to proceed.

Capricorn - Mon Feb 17, 2025:
Why would anyone go to the trouble of travelling a long distance, then immediately turn round and head back to where they started? Well, if you happen to be a train driver, or a delivery person, it makes sense. And if you're running an errand. Actually, when you think about it, we all engage in this kind of behaviour all the time. Which is why it's important to think carefully before writing anything off as 'futile'. Small experiences can be uplifting - even transforming. Your journey through today matters more than your destination. Listen! The stars aren't being difficult just to annoy you. There's a method to the madness. How best to deal with the upcoming contradictory influences? Learn more...

Capricorn - Sun Feb 16, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: This week, with the Sun moving into Pisces, where it joins Mercury, planet of intellect and ideas, a situation that's been absorbing too much of your time and energy will start to improve. Yay! Which doesn't mean that the problem is over and done with. But things will be easier. Since this is likely to involve a relationship issue, does that mean that your love life is about to get better? Why not?! With greater clarity about what you need and want, you'll have greater insight into what to do to manifest it. There's real reason to hope.

Capricorn: - Sat Feb 15, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Honest, brave, bold, resolute and determined. These commendable qualities sum you up perfectly. Well... it's certainly how you'd like people to see you! And the truth is that they're a good assessment of your characteristics. This week, with the Sun and Mercury in gentle Pisces, your natural gifts are being enhanced. If you're facing a challenge, you can easily deal with it. If you need to rise to a leadership role, you'll find that by considerately expressing your views, you'll encourage others to let their qualities shine too. - Next week the interplay between Mars's imminent forward momentum and Venus's thoughtful influence creates a fascinating balance. Learn more...

Capricorn - Fri Feb 14, 2025:
With romance in the zeitgeist, today's prediction is going to be a bit more starry-eyed than you might expect. Yes, you've got practical issues to deal with. And just because the whole world seems to be focusing on hearts and chocolates doesn't mean you want to join in. Yet, no matter what you're dealing with right now, at the heart of it, there's a relationship. You need some support and some encouragement. With Mercury (communication) moving into sensitive Pisces, if you express your needs, they'll be delightfully met.

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