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Leo Year Ahead 2025

Team Cainer

leo Zodiac Sign

You're a courageous Leo, so the news that 2025 is about embracing change will (hopefully) fill you with enthusiasm. It's about being true to yourself and reaping the rewards for a growing sense of self-confidence.

Just because 2025 begins with power planet Mars moving retrograde through your sign, don't hold back on your New Year resolutions. The cosmos is giving you an opportunity to reflect before you act; and set goals that bring real fulfilment. It's a chance to take a good look at your fears and concerns and get a better perspective. Once you face them, like paper tigers, with a 'roar' you'll be able to dismiss them, leaving the path ahead open to progress. By giving yourself permission to be more confident about your right to succeed, you'll be able to make plans that take you in new, more exciting directions.

Neptune's move into Aries (another fire sign), in March, awakens your inner magician. By getting in touch with the deepest, unexpressed side of your personality, you'll step into your power and find pragmatic ways to change your life in ways that enable you to thrive. If you accept your imperfections (even Leos have those!), and embrace your vulnerable side, you'll pave the way for deep, lasting inner transformation that affects your approach to life, and your relationships. You're ruled by the Sun. And the more in touch you are with your inner self, the more you'll radiate. And the more positivity you'll attract.

From mid-April to mid-June, Mars re-enters Leo. Its forward movement means it's action time! Dust off those New Year resolutions and, fuelled with increased self-awareness, set out to pursue your passions. With the Cosmic Teacher, Saturn, joining Neptune in Aries, you've got the resolve and determination to take practical steps towards realising rewarding goals.

Change-maker Uranus' move into Gemini, in July, might unsettle your plans. But it also brings out-of-the box solutions that offer innovative paths forwards. As long as you think on your feet, and allow your intuition to guide you, you don't need to worry. There might be surprises to deal with, but you've got the insight to work them to your advantage.

With Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, moving from Gemini into Cancer, in June, avoid, in your enthusiasm, making any rash financial decisions. But allow yourself to be inspired. No matter the ups and downs that lie ahead, the overall cosmic rhythm of 2025 gives you the motivation to get where you need to be. The destination will be delightful.

Do you want to know more about what's in store for you in 2025? Your 2025 'Guide to the Future' is full of many more amazing predictions and insights. Get yours now!

Have your chart cast, then go on to look at where the planets are right now - and where they will be and how they will affect you in the future. Click here!









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