July 23rd to July 29th 2007
MONDAY July 23
With friends like this...
Dear Jonathan,
My friend cannot seem to stop making negative comments . She keeps mentioning unhappy times I have had or contradicts everything I say. When we are alone she is quite different. It is only when we are around other friends that she is like this. Is there an astrological explanation?
I'd guess there's a 'quincunx' or two in the 'synastry' between your birth charts. When two planets form an angle of 150 degrees, you get an inflience that both attracts and irritates at once. See her alone or don't see her at all.
Venus changing direction
How's your love life? Are you happy with your finances? Is there a creative masterpiece you are struggling to start... or finish? Later this week, Venus changes direction. We all get a chance to review our options and opportunities. Have you walked away from someone or something that you now wish you could return to? That could just prove possible over the next few weeks. Need to renegotiate the terms of a loan or a partnership? It's more feasible than you think. Got a picture to paint, play to write or symphony to compose? Then you'd best get cracking!
Venus heralds the dawn
The 'ecliptic' is a line that astronomers 'mentally project' on to a part of the sky near the zodiac constellations. The zodiac, depending on who you ask, is either a set of star groups... or a series of mathematical intervals along that line. Interestingly, it's astronomers who use the vague system. Astrologers work with the more precise measurement. However you define the line, Venus now appears to be standing still on it. Next week, she starts reversing. She turns round in early September. Between now and then, Venus changes from being an evening object to a herald of the dawn.
Venus retrograde
When Mercury 'stands still' problems arise in the area of commerce and communication. We astrologers have also come to expect transport and travel difficulties at such times. Venus, though, isn't 'retrograde' so often and the implications are not always so obvious. Venus governs prosperity, creativity, art, music and opulence. A stationary Venus can mean anything from a sudden change in the 'value' of an established commodity, through to concern about an arrangement that is usually secure. As Venus is also the love planet, many people may be about to find out a lot more about their deepest secret feelings.
FRIDAY July 27
Venus retrograde brings fresh hope
Venus was last 'retrograde' between December 24, 2005 - February 3, 2006; May 17 - June 29, 2004; October 10 - November 22, 2002 and March 3 - April 20, 2001. It was in a different sign each time, so the influence won't be identical. If, though, you think back over anything that altered in your life between these dates, you may get a useful insight into what's in store between now and September 8. This looks set to be a weekend of emotional intensity and an especially auspicious time for those who are trying to fulfil deep needs or find fresh hope.
Full Moon Mars and Saturn
Life always gets more dramatic when the Moon is Full. Folk who are having fun have even more fun. And folk who are having trouble? Well, whatever the moonlight falls on, it illuminates. Some Full Moons, though, seem to have a much greater impact than others. That's got little to do with what sign they happen to be in. It largely depends on what other astrological alignments happen to be taking place. This week's Full Moon coincides with a sharp angle from Mars to Saturn. The world is full of people who want to break down barriers � and yet it also seems to be full of folk who are determined to keep the old structures in place. Be patient.
SUNDAY July 29
Full Moon Mars and Saturn
Life always gets more dramatic when the Moon is Full. Folk who are having fun have even more fun. And folk who are having trouble? Well, whatever the moonlight falls on, it illuminates. Some Full Moons, though, seem to have a much greater impact than others. That's got little to do with what sign they happen to be in. It largely depends on what other astrological alignments happen to be taking place. This week's Full Moon coincides with a sharp angle from Mars to Saturn. The world is full of people who want to break down barriers � and yet it also seems to be full of folk who are determined to keep the old structures in place. Be patient.