Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



July 15 2024 to July 21 2024

Monday July 15

Breaking Omelette News

You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. Actually, you can't even make chickens without beaks cracking through shells! So as power planet Mars and disruptive Uranus converge, we need to consider which walls need to tumble down in order for positive change to take place. The first steps to achieving progress begin with taking action that disrupts an established order. Change is always challenging; but this is an opportunity to turn bitter situations into sweet lemonade.

Tuesday July 16

In Our Hearts

Mars leaves Uranus behind and heads towards Gemini. Of course, we need to think before we speak and look before we leap. But sometimes we get so caught up in our heads that we lose the courage and motivation to say what's in our hearts or take action to improve our lives. It highlights our impulses. That doesn't mean rushing boldly forward without assessing risks. But by being brave amidst uncertainty, we can make progress... knowing that processes can be explained later.

Wednesday July 17

Cosmic Cradle

We're heading towards an astrological Blue Moon - the second Full Moon in Capricorn this year. Not only is this Moon 'Blue' but it forms a 'Cosmic Cradle' with the Sun, Neptune and the separating Mars-Uranus convergence. With so many planets under the cosmic spotlight, you might expect tension and chaos. But the nature of The Cradle nurtures ambition and encourages success. The key involves assessing our abilities and limits, and knowing when to seek support. If we ask for help, we'll get it.

Thursday July 18

Violin Solo

1,960 years ago today, Emperor Nero allegedly sat back and played his violin as he watched the start of the great fire in Rome. Back then people would have asked the gods of the sky and sea (Jupiter and Neptune) for help. Today, as these two planets make a rare alignment, we can call on their support. Imaginative ideas can provide practical solutions in heated situations. So even if we have to face the music today, as the Blue Moon approaches, we can improvise and dance to it.

Friday July 19

Second Sight

"Art isn't what you see, it's what you make others see." The words of Degas, the impressionist artist, are worth bearing in mind this weekend. When we feel under pressure to be seen in a certain light, we try to paint different pictures of ourselves. Yet the weekend's astrological Blue Moon encourages us to appreciate our natural gifts and share them. By embracing our truth and acting with integrity, we can find creative ways to communicate that leave positive and lasting impressions.

Saturday July 20

Your Weekly Horoscope

They say that power corrupts. But surely this only happens if we try to exert ourselves over other people? When we work on making the most of our own inner power, we develop sensitivities and strengths that do good. This week, as the Full Moon wanes, we can discover hidden abilities and access untapped resources. And as the Sun returns home to Leo, there are fun ways to share the treasures that lie at the heart of our personal discoveries. That's powerful stuff!

Sunday July 21

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

They say that power corrupts. But surely this only happens if we try to exert ourselves over other people? When we work on making the most of our own inner power, we develop sensitivities and strengths that do good. This week, as the Full Moon wanes, we can discover hidden abilities and access untapped resources. And as the Sun returns home to Leo, there are fun ways to share the treasures that lie at the heart of our personal discoveries. That's powerful stuff!

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