Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



July 1 2024 to July 7 2024

Monday July 1

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day! Years ago, I visited a friend in Ontario. Amongst the many spectacular places we visited, one stood out. Walter's Falls is a waterfall which freezes in the winter. It struck me that even in extreme weather conditions when the huge torrent of water is brought to a standstill, it still drips in the same direction; nothing totally reverses the flow. Following Saturn's change in direction, even if progress feels slow, there's no danger of going backwards. With patient determination dreams can be fulfilled.

Tuesday July 2

Voters One and All

In Australia, (unlike the UK where we're preparing for a General Election), voting is compulsory. Yet as Mercury (intelligence) enters Leo and prepares to oppose mysterious Pluto, we all find ourselves feeling compelled to make our voices heard and to speak truth to power. With dreamy Neptune turning retrograde, messages based on inspiration will be most effective. With deeper truths being made more obvious, it's by listening to our hearts that we can make choices that benefit us and enrich our lives.

Wednesday July 3

Cruise Control

When we've been preparing for an important interview, or planning for an event like a holiday, we get to a point where we just want to get on with it. We've tried to think of every eventuality, and it's action time. It reminds me of how it feels when Tom Cruise releases a new movie. I know what Tom does (he's very good at it). I don't need to be 'sold' on the plot. Just tell me when it's playing and I'll buy a ticket. Yet although it's time to stop thinking and start doing, as Venus links with Saturn, taking things slowly gets satisfying results.

Thursday July 4

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day to our friends in the US. And happy polling day to my fellow citizens in the UK. Being one of the few dates I remember from school, it will be interesting to see if what unfolds this Fourth of July will be special/memorable. Meanwhile tomorrow's New Moon linked to Saturn hints at new beginnings and serious work to be done. In our lives (as well as in the wider world), this is a chance to make a fresh start. Although progress will be slow, if we follow our hearts, it will be long-lasting.

Friday July 5

New Moon Yearning

In the words of Joni Mitchell: "We don't know what we've got 'til it's gone." Yet absence doesn't always make the heart grow fonder. Sometimes, when something vanishes from our world, we realise we need something different/better to replace it. When the Moon disappears from the sky, the stars shine more brightly. So, although the New Moon suggests a sense of loss, it's accompanied by a yearning for change. The weekend brings opportunities to embark on life-enriching adventures.

Saturday July 6

Your Weekly Horoscope

The week ahead is dominated by Venus and its interactions with many of the Zodiac's cast. Flitting from a sharp link with Jupiter to oppose Pluto by way of softer combinations with Uranus and Neptune, it's turning up in everyone's pockets like a bad penny. Except... Venus is anything but bad! Representing beauty, love and money, it brings surprising opportunities to enrich our lives. With a playful and creative approach, we can find fun ways to stretch our resources so we feel more abundant... and joyful.

Sunday July 7

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

The week ahead is dominated by Venus, and its interactions with many of the Zodiac's cast. Flitting from a sharp link with Jupiter to oppose Pluto by way of softer combinations with Uranus and Neptune, it's turning up in everyone's pockets like a bad penny. Except... Venus is anything but bad! Representing beauty, love and money, it brings surprising opportunities to enrich our lives. With a playful and creative approach, we can find fun ways to stretch our resources so we all feel more abundant and joyful.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts