Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



May 13 2024 to May 19 2024

Monday May 13

Gil Scott Heron

Jazz-poet Gil Scott Heron was a musical pioneer. His work 'The revolution won't be televised' is a call to action. We can't sit on our sofas expecting things to change. Rather than spectating, if we're not happy with what's going on we have to do what we can to be part of the solution. Today, as Venus links to determined Saturn, and the relationship between the Sun and innovative Uranus peaks, with inspiring ideas we can create powerful change. To be pioneers, we need to get productive.

Tuesday May 14


We all have our needs and desires - but do we need everything we have? Almost certainly not! We hold onto objects for all sorts of reasons; maybe they remind us of times gone by. Maybe we think they'll come in useful one day. Most of us find it much easier to store things than to let them go. Yet it's hard to move towards a brighter future if we're burdened with baggage from the past. In the legacy of the link between Venus and Saturn, this is a good time to declutter. Happy spring-cleaning!

Wednesday May 15

Festival of Vesak

Today is the festival of Vesak, when Buddhists celebrate the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha. The timing is perfect; as Mercury (intellect) leaves the shadow of its retrograde period to enter Taurus (which is ruled by Venus, planet of love), the skies reflect the compassion and tolerance at the heart of the cosmos. By focusing on our connections with people and the world around us, we can find inspiring ways to transcend our problems. And find joy in the present moment.

Thursday May 16


95 years ago, the movie 'Wings' won best picture at the first Academy Awards. Today, as dynamic Mars moves to align with generous Jupiter, the cosmos encourages us to soar high and explore new horizons. Our efforts are unlikely to be honoured with gold statuettes, or critical acclaim! The rewards are more subtle. But even if material success is elusive, spiritual gains can be made. And they'll be much more satisfying. When we feel fulfilled about our role in life, we spread joy.

Friday May 17

Love and Marriage

Twenty years ago today, Massachusetts became the first state to legalise same-sex marriage. And as Venus (love) prepares to converge with Uranus (innovation), and the Sun converges with lucky Jupiter, the cosmic message focuses on all-embracing love. This weekend, acts of kindness will open doors of opportunity. If we follow our hearts, and are prepared to take risks, positive progress will result. And by sharing bold ideas, we can find ways to turn them into something beautiful... and real.

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