Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



December 19 2011 to December 25 2011

Monday December 19
Tunnel Vision

I'm still tickled pink by the latest news from the Large Hadron Collider. Apparently, they've now seen a hint of a shadow of a suggestion that there's something invisible and elusive at the very essence of creation. It causes everything to happen but you can only detect its existence by looking at what else it seems to be influencing. In my day, we sought insights into such mysteries by sitting alone for hours in deep meditation. These days, the fashion is to gain equally inconclusive proof by smashing atoms in deep tunnels, 26 kilometres long. I guess that's progress!

Tuesday December 20
The Divinity Code

Scientists suspect they've seen a hint of the Higgs Boson, the elusive 'God Particle' that could finally explain everything. They hope to turn their fleeting glimpse into a 'five sigma level of certainty'. Good luck to them. I've spent years watching mystics, yogis and philosophers strive to discover the mind of the divine. Astrologers and psychics also seek to crack the code of creation. We count ourselves lucky if we can see where the finger of fate may have recently pointed. No matter how smart those scientists are, they won't force the whole hand of heaven to reveal itself.

Wednesday December 21
The Three Days of Solstice

Solstice greetings! Think of the Sun as a rocket that gets fired up, every day, from the horizon. The team who set it off move slightly further north (or sometimes south) each day. Then, in late June and late December, the rocket launcher stays at exactly the same point for three days in a row. On the fourth day, the pattern of daily 'blast off' gets reversed. To the ancients, who watched this kind of thing very carefully, it was a big deal. A reason to start holding hold a big celebration. And to this day... it still is.

Thursday December 22

The Sun rose this morning from the same point along the horizon that it emerged from yesterday. When it sets tonight, it will go down in the same place it set in last night. Unless you're a keen observer of dawns and dusks, you may not have noticed; but once, in a world without electricity, this was deeply significant. Now, if we want to see what season it is, we need look no further than the nearest shop window. But if you're starting to feel special and magical, maybe it's the magic of the solstice that you are experiencing!

Friday December 23

I've been writing, this week, about the solstice but I ought to mention a couple of other celebrations. The Jewish festival of Chanukah tends to float around the calendar in much the same way as Easter - and for much the same reason. The date is fixed by the relationship between the Sun and the Moon, which varies annually. And then there's Christmas, which strictly follows the solar calendar, as (of course) does the solstice. This weekend, incidentally, brings a magical New Moon, suggesting great potential for mystical experience. Regardless of what you're doing, I wish you a wonderful weekend.

Saturday December 24
Your Week Ahead

Seasons Greetings. We are entering Christmas under the Dark of the Moon. This is even more auspicious than it is rare. It suggests there can be healing, understanding and inspiration wherever there is now hurt, resentment or lethargy. Not everyone finds Christmas easy. For some it is a trying time, when expectations become pressures, absences become disappointments or memories become painful. But this year, even those who feel singularly lacking in 'Ho, Ho, Ho' will have a moment of 'Aha!' From such moments, deep new insights can arise - and these may yet have the power to transform people's lives.

Sunday December 25
Your Week Ahead - Love Focus

Seasons Greetings. We are entering Christmas under the Dark of the Moon. This is even more auspicious than it is rare. It suggests there can be healing, understanding and inspiration wherever there is now hurt, resentment or lethargy. Not everyone finds Christmas easy. For some it is a trying time, when expectations become pressures, absences become disappointments or memories become painful. But this year, even those who feel singularly lacking in 'Ho, Ho, Ho' will have a moment of 'Aha!' From such moments, deep new insights can arise - and these may yet have the power to transform people's lives.

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