Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



September 12 2011 to September 18 2011

Monday September 12
No Meat and True Veg

When I first got back to Australia, I wasn't sure if I had travelled anywhere. Round at my daughter's house, the TV was showing The X Factor. Other than the performers' accents, I might as well have been in Britain. But later that evening, she drove me to a burger bar where every pattie, hot-dog and nugget was made from soya or vegetable protein. They didn't make a big thing of it. Most customers probably didn't even realise. But it was vegetarian heaven. I have seen the future. It is in Melbourne. They call it Lord Of The Fries!

Tuesday September 13
One Moon

Watching that Full Moon, the other night, I remembered being amazed, as a child by how it seemed to follow me, everywhere I went. That got me thinking about the pictures Nasa have just released of tracks left by the lunar landings. America may have left behind a little junk, but it has hardly 'claimed' the Moon. Rightly so. "The Moon belongs to everyone," as the song goes. Wouldn't it be nice if, by the time we sent people there again, it were part of a global mission through which we could all feel an equal sense of ownership!

Wednesday September 14
Melbourne Supremacy

Melbourne has won an award for being the world's 'most liveable city'. How is this annual competition assessed? Do teams of judges spend months in each candidate city? Were they so impressed by Melbourne's civic art that they failed to notice how some of the trams double as homeless drop-in centres? I've been conducting my own test of Melbourne's 'liveability.' It's a bit chilly in winter but it has some great vegetarian cafes. And it gets an extra vote because, in a shop in St Kilda I found a sign saying, 'Before you steal, think of your Karma'.

Thursday September 15
Happiness in the Balance

Venus now moves into Libra, which is not just good news for all born under this sign. According to tradition, Venus 'rules' Taurus and Libra. When passing through either of these signs, it becomes a more powerful influence, releasing more of its famous 'benefic' energy. No matter what sign we are, we get more creative, inspired and inclined to be loving and forgiving rather than harsh and judgemental. That's not quite the same as saying 'there will now be peace on Earth' but it does imply that between now and early October, the world could become a little happier.

Friday September 16
Comet Tales

As I return to Tokyo today, here are some questions from Japanese readers. Hiroko says, 'According to an American prophet, when a planet comes closest to the Earth on October 23, we have huge trouble. Japan needs time to recover from its most recent disasters. Must we suffer more?' And Satomi asks, 'I've heard governments are hiding from an emergency involving a planet colliding with Earth. ' I think that in translation, the words 'planet' and 'comet' have become mixed. But, to be clear, this is all just a crazy internet rumour. Earth has no more trouble ahead than usual.

Saturday September 17
Your Week Ahead

Perhaps this week's most interesting influence is an 'inconjunct' alignment between Jupiter and Venus. These angles of 150 degrees are my favourites. They traditionally signify a conflict that cannot be completely resolved... or an opportunity that cannot be fully realised, or both. Think, for example, of two needs within yourself that are mutually incompatible but equally strong. Like 'wanting to lose weight' yet 'yearning for an ice cream'. This week, Jupiter (luck) and Venus (love) form the awkward angle. In all our lives there'll be an impossible situation yet it will bring as much pleasure as it brings tension!

Sunday September 18
Your Week Ahead - Love Focus

Perhaps this week's most interesting influence is an 'inconjunct' alignment between Jupiter and Venus. These angles of 150 degrees are my favourites. They traditionally signify a conflict that cannot be completely resolved... or an opportunity that cannot be fully realised, or both. Think, for example, of two needs within yourself that are mutually incompatible but equally strong. Like 'wanting to lose weight' yet 'yearning for an ice cream'. This week, Jupiter (luck) and Venus (love) form the awkward angle. In all our lives there'll be an impossible situation yet it will bring as much pleasure as it brings tension!

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