Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



February 28 2011 to March 6 2011

Monday February 28
Return of the Sun

Many Happy Returns to Cathie who recently asked if being born on February 29 makes her different. Ah, but should we say 'happy returns' to her today... or tomorrow? I can't tell without knowing her year of birth. But then, I need the same information to be sure of anyone's 'solar return'. The Sun returns, every year, to the very point it occupied when we were born - but this often happens several hours 'early' or 'late'. It's perfectly possible for the anniversary of your exact birth moment to fall on the day after or the day before your birthday.

Tuesday March 1
Moon Affects the Ride

Hi Jonathan,
When cars had the old pre-electronic distributor systems I often noticed that just before a Full Moon, my car's performance was often sluggish, the engine would misfire and breakdowns were more likely. As soon as the moon was full it went like the clappers. My conclusion was if the Moon has that sort of effect on me (which it does) then something mechanical and rotational like a timing arm must be equally affected, but on a micro level. With modern electronic ignitions and their induced timings the variation in performance is now no longer noticeable. Malcolm

Wednesday March 2
Flares Are Back

Hello Jonathan,
I write to ask about the recent, massive solar flare. While reading about all the rage and upheaval in the Middle East, I began to wonder whether there's a connection. Or are other forces at work? Sue

Dear Sue,
Other forces are at work, too - but Solar 'maximums' have long been associated with the collapse of oppressive regimes. Around the turn of the century, intense solar activity coincided with the overthrow of President Milosevic in Serbia. The solar flare peak in November 1989 happened as the Berlin Wall collapsed. And the current phase has only just begun!

Sydney Telegraph readers please note, in some editions this week, the daily forecasts have been printed out of sequence. We apologise on behalf of this newspaper for their production problems. The correct forecasts for today are here on this website and on the Telegraph website.

Thursday March 3
Being Thoughtful

Hi Jonathan,
I have long found that, for some strange reason, people's names pop into my head just as they are about to die. My friends can verify this. Some have asked me not to think of them(!) My latest thought of was American fitness pioneer Jack LaLanne. I had no idea why he popped into my head but just a few days later, he'd passed on. Roy

Dear Roy,
This 'telepathic receptivity' is surprisingly common. It's nothing to worry about and it's not a 'power'. Nobody, I promise, can cause anyone else to die by thinking of them.

Sydney Telegraph readers please note, in some editions this week the daily forecasts have been printed out of sequence. We apologise on behalf of this newspaper for their production problems. The correct forecasts for today are here on this website and on the Telegraph website.

Friday March 4
In Tune with the Moon

If you look at your calendar, you'll find a New Moon symbol by today's date but you won't see a New Moon in the sky till the weekend is nearly over. The phrase 'New Moon' can mean both the tiny sliver of light as the moon first re-appears or the 'Dark of the Moon' which is what we are 'under' now. There's was no Moon in the sky last night. There'll be no Moon tonight. To ancient mystics, this was a time of magic, of visions and of revelations. If you're feeling especially sensitive, now you know why!

Saturday March 5
Your Week Ahead

The recent big changes in the greater Middle East have largely been triggered by an historic alignment of Uranus, Neptune and Jupiter. The same celestial forces, elsewhere in the world, have been responsible for a different 'mood of rebellion'. People who have, for years or decades, been stoically accepting untenable situations have begun to turn around and say, 'I have had enough of this and I don't much care what I have to do to get it changed... I'm doing it'. As those three planets move apart now, that atmosphere may decrease!

Sunday March 6
Your Week Ahead - Love Focus

The recent big changes in the greater Middle East have largely been triggered by an historic alignment of Uranus, Neptune and Jupiter. The same celestial forces, elsewhere in the world, have been responsible for a different 'mood of rebellion'. People who have, for years or decades, been stoically accepting untenable situations have begun to turn around and say, 'I have had enough of this and I don't much care what I have to do to get it changed... I'm doing it'. As those three planets move apart now, that atmosphere may decrease!

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