March 12th to March 18th 2007
MONDAY March 12
Interpreting a vision
'An enormous financial scandal' could mean many things. That's the trouble with information attained during a 'mystical daydream'. It embarrasses the intellect. The conscious mind either wants to dismiss the revelation as 'far too vague� or it starts jumping to overly logical conclusions. I was standing on a bridge overlooking the Houses of Parliament whilst watching the eclipsed Moon last week, it's tempting to assume, therefore, that I must have been seeing the outcome of the 'Cash For Honours' investigation. But then, I was also in sight of the Stock Exchange. So it could equally imply a share swindle.
TUESDAY March 13
Sharing a private process
Just a few more words about what I 'saw' during last week's eclipse. I have been deliberately sharing the details of what is normally, a very private process. I know that many people have such visions. Most of us, though, don't like to talk about these. Sometimes, we feel silly because our experiences don't sound sensible. Sometimes (especially if we have been blessed with an accurate insight) we get overly excited and assume our intuition must be infallible! I predict that many more of us will soon develop the confidence to explore psychic potential without either apology or arrogance.
Controlling emotions
Dear Jonathan,
Recently, you suggested it was a good time to control emotions. Is that really possible? And is it healthy?
Dear Maria,
I take your point. People who strive to suppress their emotions often end up tense and self-deluded. Psychologists, say we should acknowledge our feelings and then, if we can see it is wiser not to express them, try to vent them harmlessly. All I meant to say is that the period between two eclipses (i.e. now) is a good time to become more mature and relaxed about emotional triggers that sometimes cause disproportionate upset.
Eclipse impressions
Dear Jonathan,
I was taken aback by your impressions of the eclipse and its implications. How can an event visible all over the world be intended to have meaning for just one country?
Dear Linda,
Mystic visions can come to anyone at any time and they can be about anything, anywhere. How much then, should the mystic read into the fact that he or she happens to be in a particular place? On this occasion, I should have explained that I saw other things about 'the wider world' but I felt, very strongly, that this particular insight involved the UK.
FRIDAY March 16
Piscean birthdays
Dear Jonathan,
Earlier this week, I celebrated my birthday. It was my friend's birthday too. And my husband's. And my mother's! We always have an annual Pisces party - but this week, everywhere I went, I met even more Pisceans. Do you think this is because 'fish swim in schools'?
Dear Carolyn,
Last night, I celebrated the birthday of three dear friends plus my eldest daughter, all of whom were born on March 15. So I do know what you are talking about! This weekend's partial solar eclipse in Pisces should create further food for the fishes' feeding frenzy!
Solar eclipse
This week's solar eclipse ends a phase that began a couple of weeks ago with a lunar eclipse. Throughout this entire time, the Sun, Earth and Moon have been aligned in a particularly potent way. Many mystics believe that magical transformations can be attained under such circumstances. We are now approaching the Equinox - another astrological alignment the ancients believed to bestow magical properties. Don't assume, just because we live in a world full of street lights, computers, cars, cellphones and pizzas, that deep, primeval power sources can no longer be tapped and released. If you sincerely set out to seek change now, you can attain it.
SUNDAY March 18
Solar eclipse
This week's solar eclipse ends a phase that began a couple of weeks ago with a lunar eclipse. Throughout this entire time, the Sun, Earth and Moon have been aligned in a particularly potent way. Many mystics believe that magical transformations can be attained under such circumstances. We are now approaching the Equinox - another astrological alignment the ancients believed to bestow magical properties. Don't assume, just because we live in a world full of street lights, computers, cars, cellphones and pizzas, that deep, primeval power sources can no longer be tapped and released. If you sincerely set out to seek change now, you can attain it.