June 11th to June 17th 2007
MONDAY June 11
Planetary Pressure Group
Mercury becomes stationary this week. The Moon becomes new. The Sun creeps closer to its solstice turning point. Pluto aligns harmoniously with Mars. These astrological factors influence us at every level. They impact on the most trivial aspects of our day to day lives and on the most profound.They touch us at a personal level and at a collective level. They affect our ability to get to work on time... and on the share value of the company we work for. When looked at together, the planets this week become a pressure group, agitating for just one concession: honesty.
What's in an astrologer's book
You can always spot an astrologer by what they're carrying in their pocket, bag or briefcase. They may not have a portable telescope but somewhere about their person, there'll be a little book containing lists of numbers, interrupted by strange squiggles. These are the daily planetary positions. Planetary timetables. They are very reliable but you have to know how to read them. This week, for example, The Ephemeris gives 'Mercury stationary' for Friday. Technically that's true, but it's pretty much standing still now. If you've got a deal to finalise, you'd better move fast or develop a contingency plan!
A touch of luck
Dear Jonathan,
I was queuing to buy an instant lottery ticket. The person behind was in a hurry so I let her go next. She purchased the ticket I would have got � and won top prize! How unlucky am I?
Dear Joan,
That was a sign. Read it right and you'll benefit, long after that lady has spent her winnings. The message is, 'You are THIS CLOSE to magic, all the time'. You are so blessed, you make others lucky when they come near you. What's it worth to be you? Not millions. Not billions. You are priceless.
Blair's handover date
When Tony Blair stand downs as British prime minister on June 27, I see from my Ephemeris, that there will be no aspects for that day, except one minor Sun-Pluto. Also Mercury will be retrograde. Surely this is not an auspicious day to be making a change to the head of the government. What do you make of this?
Dear Fellow Astrologer,
What on earth are you suggesting? That Tony Blair has consulted an astrologer about when he could give the worst possible start to his successor Gordon Brown? You can imply such a thing if you wish. I would never dream of casting such an aspersion.
FRIDAY June 15
Moon Rivers
You might think that, if there's more extreme behaviour at Full Moon, there must be less at New Moon. But just as river tides peak at Full and New Moons, so the tides of our emotions rise and fall in a fortnightly cycle. Though New Moon passions can be just as powerful as Full Moon feelings, they are often more reflective and private. Tonight's Dark of The Moon brings an opportunity to commune with the realm of the subconscious and the intuitive. There's also a stationary Mercury this weekend. This may bring delay to communication processes and travel plans.
Mercury changes direction
As Mercury changes direction under the Dark of the Moon, we enter a magical mystical phase during which questions long unanswered finally bring forth fascinating new insight. If there's something you've been longing to know, your eyes will soon be opened wide. If you are unsure of your direction in life, you will soon see new options and possibilities. But if you have a fixed idea about what must occur and why and when, this may not be such an easy time for you. That which has been set in stone must now be loosened. And that which has been taken entirely for granted, must now be subjected to scrutiny.
SUNDAY June 17
Mercury changes direction
As Mercury changes direction under the Dark of the Moon, we enter a magical mystical phase during which questions long unanswered finally bring forth fascinating new insight. If there's something you've been longing to know, your eyes will soon be opened wide. If you are unsure of your direction in life, you will soon see new options and possibilities. But if you have a fixed idea about what must occur and why and when, this may not be such an easy time for you. That which has been set in stone must now be loosened. And that which has been taken entirely for granted, must now be subjected to scrutiny.