August 27th to September 2nd 2007
MONDAY August 27
Fuss about nothing
Though it won't be visible everywhere*, there will be a lunar eclipse tomorrow, followed in a fortnight, by a solar eclipse. Astrologers find that during such alignments, people are more inclined to experience moments of powerful prescience or feelings of 'deja vu.' Some mystics even claim to make journeys between worlds so far apart that they could never, otherwise, be bridged. Just in time for this latest season of peculiar possibility, astronomers are announcing a discovery. An intergalactic gap. A huge hole in the universe, one billion light years wide. How odd that nobody has noticed it before.
*The eclipse takes place between 7.53 and 13.21 (Universal Time) on TUESDAY. It is not visible from anywhere in Europe or Africa. The whole eclipse can be seen from Eastern Australia (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane) New Zealand, Polynesia, and the West coast of USA and Canada). For the rest of the USA, Canada and South America, it is visible at moonset. For the rest of Australia, India, Japan, China and Eastern Asia, it is visible at moonrise. For a visibility map go to: For your exact local moonrise and moonset times, visit:
TUESDAY August 28
Total lunar eclipse today
To understand why today is so magical, think about 'noughts and crosses.' At an ordinary Full Moon, the Sun lines up opposite the Moon. The Earth is between the two and, if you draw this out on a piece of paper, it looks as if they are in a straight line � though, actually, that's only true in a two-dimensional view. During the brief moment of an exact eclipse, though, it's as if we're playing on a 3D board. The Sun is on the top left of the top layer, the Earth is in the middle of the middle layer, the Moon is on the bottom right corner. If they were giant beads you could thread a giant needle through all three!
Astrology on other planets
Dear Jonathan, When an astronaut leaves earth, is he (or she) still subject to the push and pull of planetary alignments? Or would space travel warrant a whole new system of astrology? EsseDear Esse, It depends on how far the astronaut goes and how long they stay away. A child born on the Moon would certainly warrant 'a new system' in which Earth was no longer the fixed central point but a movable component. A person travelling to Mars and back, though, would remain under the influence of the planets that would normally govern their life on Earth.
THURSDAY August 30
Watch this space!
It is only Thursday, but already, it has been quite a week for science stories. We now know there are a billion miles of 'absolute nothing' in distant space. That's quite something, really. We also know it is possible to trick the mind into having an 'out-of-body experience'. This seems to prove what mystics have long insisted. Our minds do not always, physically, reside inside our heads! One more piece of space news. Careful how you say this aloud � but, after careful investigation of close-up photographs, experts can confirm that the rings around Uranus are expanding and contracting.
FRIDAY August 31
Like nothing on earth...
They now tell us, with a straight face, that out in deep space, experts have discovered a billion miles of nothing. Sorry. I know I have already written about this. Still, though, I can't quite manage to stop thinking about it. Nothing. Nothing? Nothing we recognise, perhaps. Nothing we can detect, fine. Nothing doing. Nothing happening. Nothing to report. Nothing to write home about. But surely, there can't be absolutely nothing at all? And why 'a billion miles'. This may sound like a lot, but I rather feel it's not big enough to be convincing. Surely, nothing lasts forever!
SATURDAY September 1
Saturn into Virgo
This is a very exciting month. It brings Saturn into Virgo for the first time since 1981, thus changing, dramatically the long-term outlook for Leos, Virgos and Capricorns. It's a 'win-win' situation for these three signs - yet it's hard to see why any of the other nine should have cause for concern either. A new phase, even a new era, is beginning and it's one that will open many minds, alter many ideas and awaken many hopes. The emphasis for people all over the planet now (in different ways, of course) is on working out what needs to happen, understanding why it hasn't been happening... and finding a way to make it happen at last.
SUNDAY September 2
Saturn into Virgo
This is a very exciting month. It brings Saturn into Virgo for the first time since 1981, thus changing, dramatically the long-term outlook for Leos, Virgos and Capricorns. It's a 'win-win' situation for these three signs - yet it's hard to see why any of the other nine should have cause for concern either. A new phase, even a new era, is beginning and it's one that will open many minds, alter many ideas and awaken many hopes. The emphasis for people all over the planet now (in different ways, of course) is on working out what needs to happen, understanding why it hasn't been happening... and finding a way to make it happen at last.