April 16th to April 22nd 2007
MONDAY April 16
Jonathan in Tibet
Jonathan writes: Getting into Tibet is a like trying to get into Fort Knox. Tibet though, hides a treasure far more precious than gold. After I finally got a visa from the Chinese embassy in Kathmandu (open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, mornings only) I eventually reached this legendary land of mysticism, astrology and wisdom. I even meditated in a monastery built on the back of a famous 'oracle's cave'. Did I have a vision about the future of the world? Actually, I did. I'll say more soon. Meanwhile, here's me after a blissful morning meditating with the monks. In the back ground you can see what was once the Winter Palace of the Dalai Lama. (Now he lives elsewhere but lots of nice Chinese policemen are looking after it for him.)
Your forecasts today and for the next few days are being written by my esteemed colleague Kathryn Cassidy, whose website is Kathryn Cassidy.
TUESDAY April 17
More from Tibet
Jonathan writes: Amazingly, here on a plateau in the Himalayas, in the traditional home of Eastern mysticism, there's now wireless internet access! Let's hope it does not spoil reception of other, more subtle signals. I've been learning a lot about Tibet's role as a centre for psychics. I have also been learning about the prophecies that emanate from this land. In some ways, Mayans and Tibetans have a similar view of the world. Yet they have a dramatically different expectation of the future. I'll return fully to this page tomorrow.
In the picture you can see a part of old Tibet where prayers are said and candles are lit for the dead. In the background you can see a pyramid shaped building. It is made of pieces of slate. Each is lovingly carved with a handwritten inscription, then stacked flat, within a metal framework to form the shape. To the left, you can see a hill. It used to have a Stupa on the top of it. Stupas are specially shaped religious structures. This Stupa got destroyed back in 1959 when the Chinese very kindly came to Tibet to relieve the locals of the terrible burden of having to govern their own lives. They got everyone involved in a 'cultural revolution' which involved lots of fighting, burning and blowing up things. I'm sure that was very exciting. Here, you can see what the sensitive new owners of the country put up to replace that silly old ancient spiritual structure. Much more modern, I'm sure you'll agree.
Your forecasts today and for the next few days are being written by my esteemed colleague Kathryn Cassidy, whose website is Kathryn Cassidy.
The Circle of Time
I'm back, somewhat the wiser for my journey to Tibet and keen to share all I have understood. First, though, I must thank Kathryn Cassidy for writing such fine forecasts while I was away. Now, to the point. The Mayans (some of whose temples I visited recently in Mexico) believed an end was coming. It may be an end 'of' time or an end 'to' time. Either way there is much concern about 2012 when the Mayan calendar 'runs out'. To the Tibetans, though, this is an alien idea. For them, time is a circle. It cannot begin... so it can never end.
A Question of Time
The Mayans may be expecting the end of the world in 2012 but the Tibetans, it seems, are not. As well as visiting the Himalayas, I made inquires of an eminent monk who lives in India with the Dalai Lama's government in exile. �2012,� he said, �Will be a little tense. Nothing more� Returning through Delhi. I got chatting with a hotel manager. After hearing of my travels, he frowned �Haven't you heard the Islamic prophecy about the �Great hour?� It too says the world will end. Most of my brothers think it is just a few years away!�
FRIDAY April 20
2012 - please don't worry
Since I came back from my travels, I have had several letters asking If I really think the world will end in 2012. Of course, I don't. I practice a system of astrology that has produced stunningly accurate predictons for over 5,000 years and it suggests nothing worse than a tense couple of years around that time. I know though, that many people take the prophecies surrounding the Mayan calendar seriously. I also know that there are other beliefs in the world, some based on cosmology, others on tradition. Out of respect for these I am trying to learn what I can so I can offer re-assurance based on proper understanding. In my experience, you don't ever learn properly unless you are open minded. So if I have been reporting here, on my interest, on my willingness to discover - and on what I am finding out. Clearly this tone has upset some readers because I have been getting many letters from folk who think that I now think the end is nigh. What I DO think is that I need to set up a separate forum for sharing such explorations! Here, on this page, I will return to lighter topics from now on. Meanwhile, if anything you have seen or read has unnerved you, please don't worry.
Saturn's change of direction
This week's big news? Saturn's change of direction. That doesn't just benefit Aquarians and Capricorns, it represents good news for Leos too. Indeed, even if you were born under none of these signs, and they are not dominant in your full personal horoscope, you will still notice a change for the better. Saturn has long been considered as the braking system on the cosmic car. During the phases when it moves in the wrong direction people find themselves stuck in situations they wish they could escape, and unable to stop processes that are clearly slipping out of control. Life should become easier and more ordered for us all soon.
SUNDAY April 22
Saturn's change of direction
This week's big news? Saturn's change of direction. That doesn't just benefit Aquarians and Capricorns, it represents good news for Leos too. Indeed, even if you were born under none of these signs, and they are not dominant in your full personal horoscope, you will still notice a change for the better. Saturn has long been considered as the braking system on the cosmic car. During the phases when it moves in the wrong direction people find themselves stuck in situations they wish they could escape, and unable to stop processes that are clearly slipping out of control. Life should become easier and more ordered for us all soon.