December 25th to 31st December 2006
MONDAY December 25
Happy Christmas
I'll be back at work, writing my daily predictions, on Boxing Day, straight after my Vegetarian Christmas Dinner. Or should that be, Solstice Feast? Not even the most devout Christian believes that Christ was actually born at Christmas. The early religion, though, needed to assert its authority. So it built churches on sites that were sacred to the ancient Britons and attached its festivals to dates that had always been important. Of these, our ancestors most valued the turning point of the Sun at midwinter. This weekend we celebrate a tradition much older than a mere couple of thousand years.
TUESDAY December 26
Words to Touch Your Heart
Christmas is, traditionally, a time for indulgence. I have, therefore, decided to indulge myself and begin every prediction today with a quote from my favourite poet and philosopher. In fact, because Christmas is also a time of excess, I have decided to carry on doing this for the next couple of days too. Kahlil Gibran was born on January 6, 1883. His most famous work is The Prophet. Excerpts from this are often read in 'alternative' wedding ceremonies. I love all his material. I find it profoundly wise and deeply inspiring. I hope his words touch your heart too.
WEDNESDAY December 27
Kahlil Gibran - an Inspiration
"Half of what I say is meaningless, but I say it just to reach you." If you are of a 'certain age' you may recognise this line from the 1968 John Lennon song "Julia" on the Beatles White Album. Lennon was adapting the words of Lebanese poet, Kahlil Gibran. Many other famous writers have named Gibran as their inspiration. HE himself was influenced by his meeting with Abdu'l-Bah� LEADER of the Bah�'� faith IN GIBRAN'S LIFETIME. As it is still Christmas, I have treated us all to a quote from the great poet to begin each of today's predictions.
THURSDAY December 28
Gibran - wonderful wordsmith
They say, 'When you find a successful formula, you should stick to it.' I've really enjoyed writing the forecasts over the last couple of days - because I've allowed myself to begin every single one with a quote from my favourite writer and poet, Kahlil Gibran. It has been a challenge to find quotes from him that match the astrological outlook for each sign - but when a challenge is also an inspiration, it's a gift! Realising that there were still many of his wonderful observations that I could share with you, I have decided to let him start each forecast again today.
FRIDAY December 29
I'm humbled by Gibran
Once of the best things about the holiday season is the chance it gives us to do things differently. I have been indulging myself, all week, by choosing quotes from my favourite poet to introduce each prediction. It's as close as I will ever get to working in partnership with my hero... and I remain amazed by how many wonderful things he said. I hope you have found his words inspiring too. Today, I have decided, once more, to invite Kahlil Gibran to begin each forecast. Tomorrow, somewhat reluctantly, I shall start writing them on my own once more!
SATURDAY December 30
Waiting for a helpful sky
Last year New Year fell on a New Moon. That actually WAS an appropriate moment to make resolutions. This year, the sky is not so helpful. There will be other, better moments to wipe the slate clean and start again over the next few months. These vary from sign to sign. I'll alert you to the opportunities as they arise. Meanwhile, don't give up on your desire to take (or give) something up. If the will is strong enough, success can still ensue. But if you find yourself struggling with a tough challenge, be encouraged. What's difficult now will get easier soon enough as long as your heart remains set on it.
SUNDAY December 31
Waiting for a helpful sky
Last year New Year fell on a New Moon. That actually WAS an appropriate moment to make resolutions. This year, the sky is not so helpful. There will be other, better moments to wipe the slate clean and start again over the next few months. These vary from sign to sign. I'll alert you to the opportunities as they arise. Meanwhile, don't give up on your desire to take (or give) something up. If the will is strong enough, success can still ensue. But if you find yourself struggling with a tough challenge, be encouraged. What's difficult now will get easier soon enough as long as your heart remains set on it.