November 28th to December 4th 2005
MONDAY November 28
Sagittarian New Moon - Eric Francis Guest Astrologer
Eric writes: We're now in the last few days before the Sagittarius New Moon (exact Thursday), and it's time to wrap up the affairs of the past month. I'm sure you've noticed there's been plenty happening; and some circumstances will be quicker to resolve than others. Yet the sky is right for progressing toward resolution of small things, and developing ideas that call for a wider vision and higher ideals. Small accomplishments do indeed add up to large ones.
TUESDAY November 29
Planets direct motion comment - Eric Francis Guest Astrologer
Eric writes: In addition to a New Moon on Thursday, two inner planets are close to returning to 'direct motion' - Mercury in less than a week, and Mars in a little more than a week. Working consciously with these events is one way to keep astrology on your side, and part of what's called for now is patience. Moving forward will come in its time; for now, stay close to the real issues, and take one step at a time.
WEDNESDAY November 30
Sagittarian New Moon, Part 2 - Eric Francis Guest Astrologer
Eric writes: Tomorrow's New Moon is a rather spectacular one. The fact that it's in Sagittarius is a good start, as it's the zodiac sign of what's possible beyond what we believed. It also makes a friendly aspect to taskmaster Saturn. Much is possible, and this manifests for everyone differently. Make a plan or set a goal, making sure it's a bit beyond your current reach. Aim high - you're likely to impress yourself.
THURSDAY December 1
Everything is possible - Eric Francis Guest Astrologer
Eric writes: Over the next few days, many situations that seemed impossible will begin to work themselves out. This could be a chance to act as if all your worries are behind you, but to do only that would be an opportunity missed. Instead, look at how you have untangled the complex webs of your life. Be clear with yourself about what you have learned and what you want. Everything is possible, but sometimes more is possible than other times.
FRIDAY December 2
Dark of the Moon comment - Eric Francis Guest Astrologer
Yesterday was the official New Moon, but in many cultures this is not considered to have happened till the thin crescent shows on the second or third night. The current 'Dark of the Moon' period is a fertile time for seeding one's life plans and deepest desires. For many millennia, people have planted and harvested with the Moon's guidance, following this most basic aspect of nature. Try it in the spring, you may grow to love it.
SATURDAY December 3
No thought for the Day
Weekend Forecast: No Thought for the Day
SUNDAY December 4
Mercury changes direction
Your Week Ahead: Mercury changes direction once more this week. If you've been waiting for a deal to be done, a piece of news to arrive or a crucial conversation to take place, you should find those irritating delays come to an end any moment now. Likewise if you've been having transportation problems. My own 'Mercury Retrograde' story involves a computer saga. for weeks I have been wrestling with a way to put more flexibility into the audio download service, allowing subscribers a way to hear forecasts to access more than just their own sign if they want to and launching a web based version of my tarot and I ching services too. It was supposed to be ready last month but then just as the communication planet changed direction, my team of programmers had to rewrite a section of crucial code. Very shortly though, I hope to make several exciting announcements about our audio service.