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December 17th to December 28th MONDAY DECEMBER 17 Fear Last week, I watched that "smoking gun" video of Osama Bin Laden with great fascination. Then I cast some charts. I am now quite sure it is not a fake. When we hear the full story of how the tape was found, all doubt will be dispelled. Meanwhile, there is much concern about Israel - where some say violence is about to escalate. There are also some wild predictions being made, in some places, about more bad news for the USA. Just to be clear; The pot of the middle east will continue to bubble but it will not boil over. And America has HAD its bad news. The only thing it has to fear now... is fear itself! TUESDAY DECEMBER 18 Phonelines updated with Year Aheads Your prediction from now till December 23rd has just gone on line plus 2002 Year Aheads. To hear it call USA 1-900-328-7733 ($1.49 per min.) UK 09066 011 311 (60p per min.) Feedback required: Have you used the Astrolivelink service? Did you phone to speak to an astrologer online via the number advertised on our pages? Would you use the service again? How accurate did you find the service? Is there anything you would add to make it more effective. We receive lots of positive feedback regarding Astrolivelink but would still like to hear from anyone with any comments or suggestions - we are endeavouring to improve all the time. Many thanks. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 19 Questions for 2002 "Who will win the World Cup? Will there be peace in the Middle East? Should we fear more terrorist attacks? How deep will the recession bite? Will celebrity X - or screen star Y do well in the new year? And what about situation Q - or problem Z?" Please send me your questions about the world in 2002. If there's something in particular that you want to know about in the world of politics or fashion or finance or science or entertainment or - oh go on then, if you must - sport... drop me a line. Please make your inquiry as specific as possible and I will attempt to answer it during our special new year series. Email [email protected] with subject heading: 2002. THURSDAY DECEMBER 20 The objective truth... "Mr Cainer, I think you are over-excited with your own importance. It is bad enough when you pontificate on political issues such as the environment without any knowledge of what such ideas represent, but the audacity to move into the areas of International law and criminal evidence based upon astrology! Its unbelievable that you could claim to make a statement regarding the authenticity of a video tape... Please don't imagine that your art, intuition or invention could ever provide objective truths about the real world." Darryl Bickler - by email. I always wondered who on this planet, was guarding the integrity of "objective truths about the real world." Now I know. Thanks Darryl. And a Merry Christmas to you too! FRIDAY DECEMBER 21 Behind the Signs - Astronews Astro News - click here. This week, read about the Winter Solstice, the ancient cosmic event on which the festival of Christmas was based. Also, a request for women to help with some astrological research. Behind the Signs: The sun moves into Capricorn tomorrow at 6:02am. It is very appropriate for the winter solstice to continue into Saturday since it is 'Saturn's day' and Saturn rules Capricorn. Solstice means 'standing still sun'. Although this is the shortest day of the year, it's a time to celebrate because from this point, the days get longer - the sun gains strength. Is it any surprise that most cultures and religions celebrate this season? SATURDAY DECEMBER 22 Cosmic couple - Fiona Phillips and Martin Frizell Fiona Phillips: January 1, 1961 (Capricorn) Martin Frizell: December 9, 1958 (Sagittarius) The signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn are worlds apart. Some people say that this is why they are not compatible. In my view though, the opposite applies. It is precisely because the two signs see life from such radically different points of view that they find it easy to get along. The attraction lies partly in the challenge (both Capricorns and Sagittarians like life to be a little difficult at times) and partly too, in the possibility of joining forces to complement one another's skills and specialities. This kind of partnership either never gets started... or it takes off like a rocket and flies happily, forever and a day.