New / Full Moons: New 28th Feb in Pisces Full 14th Mar in Virgo New 29th Mar in Aries
February's Full Moon is happening in Leo - or as our ancestors called it, the 'Snow Moon'.
A Full Moon in the dramatic sign Leo suggests that you shouldn't be too surprised if find yourself suddenly possessed by the urge to do something attention-seeking or over the top.
This lunation is waving a permission slip in front of your nose allowing you to reconnect with your inner child. Though perhaps leave the finger-painting until after you've changed out of your best shirt?
It's a time to stop hanging back and trying to blend into the wallpaper and instead be genuinely, unabashedly you. Though if 'being you' involves interpretive dance in public spaces, maybe give the rest of us a heads-up first?
Use this lunar energy wisely, and maybe - just maybe - you'll find yourself starring in your own life story. Hopefully without having to elbow anyone else off centre stage!
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