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Jemima Cainer
Astrologer Daisy
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Pluto into Capricorn

by Jemima Cainer
Wed, 28th Aug

Pluto Re-enters Capricorn

Zodiac Holidays

What does this mean for you?

On September 2nd, 2024, Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and rebirth, re-enters Capricorn, marking the final phase of its 15-year journey through this ambitious and disciplined sign. Pluto's transit through Capricorn, which began at the end of November 2008, has been a period of deep structural changes in society, institutions, and within all of our personal lives.

As Pluto revisits Capricorn from September to November 2024, it offers us one last opportunity to solidify the transformations we've undergone and to ensure that the foundations we've built are strong enough to support what comes in the future. This transit is a last-chance saloon event with an intensity in both focus and ambition. All of a sudden we are being cosmically encouraged to dig out the last trace of dirt from any wound, metaphorical or otherwise and to trust in the process of transformation and the healing that metamorphosis can offer.

We are being asked to look again at what it means to be successful - to really dig into the darker depths of what we are aiming for and to confront taboo issues of why we are doing what we are doing. Capricorn is unapologetically strategic and Pluto's visit back into this sign marks a pivot which will determine our direction for decades to come.

The nth degree

Pluto is only revisiting the very last point of 29 degrees of Capricorn before it goes on to make its historical step forwards into freedom seeking, humanitarian Aquarius. This degree point is critical - it has connotations with mastery and emphasises our need to take a calculated risk in exchange for high rewards. At the end point of the sign, the outermost planet holds special significance. There is a sense of being pushed to our limits, of digging deeper into our innermost determination and realising the power of our potential. This degree point resonates with an intense karmic frequency. In Capricorn, themes of succession, power, wisdom and ancestry are being supercharged by Pluto's trip back which pushes all of these issues to a tipping point.

Karmically Capricorn resonates with diligence and commitment. The energy of the wise sea goat plodding relentlessly up towards higher ground. This is about faith - not blindly seeking an ideal but of continuing step by crucial step, betting on our ability to do better and achieve more. Pluto is drawing out the deeper levels of our self, calling us to reach a part of ourself which we know exists but that we keep hidden. There is an inner power and wisdom within us all and sometimes, we hold it back because we are fearful of what responsibility may come from such prominence.

The Status Quo

The very status quo of the planet we exist upon is being challenged by renegade Pluto's last hurrah in this sign. The last time we hit this point was from December 2023 to January 2024. Cyclically then, we can think of this transit as a return to anything which was left unfinished or unsatisfactorily resolved at that time. Issues which bubbled up around then are being drawn out by Pluto's hot needle of healing. Promises and commitments from the New Year may find a new burst of transformational energy too. Longstanding boils are ready to be lanced.

The End of a long cycle

Cardinal placements, those who were born with any personal planet in these signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn especially are set to get closure around unfinished business during this transit and any area of our life ruled by these signs can expect a push towards tying up any loose ends. Pluto's return to Capricorn may hold the key to unlocking the wisdom we need to ensure that things which may be a little messy now, are left ready to uphold a long term vision.

For these Cardinal signs the culmination of an intense and transformative cycle which began in 2008 really does come to a point of conscious ending now. These last three months are here to re-empower those who have felt somewhat at the mercy of Pluto's tirade through Capricorn. The events which unfold over the coming months are a final push to these signs, encouraging them to finally become master over what has previously felt as if it mastered them.

Here's what Pluto's return to Capricorn is bringing for each zodiac sign:


Pluto's re-entry into Capricorn highlights your career and public image. You've undergone significant changes in your professional life over the past decade, and now it's time to cement those transformations. This period offers a final chance to assert your authority and redefine your role in your career. Making sure the path you've chosen aligns with your true ambitions and values is key to success and the wisdom to trust impulses which are backed by strategy is Pluto's leaving gift to you.


For Taurus, Pluto in Capricorn revisits your beliefs, philosophies, and higher learning. You've likely experienced a deep transformation in your worldview, and now is the time to integrate those changes more fully. You may feel called to pursue further education, travel, or spiritual growth that reflects your evolved perspective on life. It's a moment to stand firm in your truth and expand your horizons with confidence.


Pluto's return to Capricorn intensifies your focus on shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. Over the years, you've experienced profound changes in how you relate to others on a deep level, particularly in matters of trust, power, and finances. This final phase urges you to solidify those changes, ensuring that your relationships and financial dealings are based on mutual respect and honesty.


Cancer, Pluto re-enters the house of partnership relationships. This is bringing one last round of transformation to your close relationships. Whether in business or love, you've likely faced power struggles, intense emotional experiences, and the need to redefine your boundaries. This period is about establishing lasting partnerships that are built on equality and shared goals. It's time to let go of any remaining toxic dynamics and build a future based on truth and integrity.


For Leo, Pluto in Capricorn revisits your health, daily routines, and work environment. You've been through significant changes in how you manage your day-to-day life, and this is your opportunity to ensure that those adjustments are sustainable. Focus on creating routines that support your long-term well-being and professional efficiency. Health matters may come into focus, urging you to take responsibility for your body and lifestyle choices and to continue taking better care of yourself for the future.


Pluto's return to Capricorn reignites transformation in your creative expression, romance, and relationship with children. You've undergone a deep shift in how you approach these areas, likely becoming more authentic and powerful in your self-expression and taking a deeper ook at where you have the power to bring joy into your life. This final phase encourages you to embrace your creative passions fully, build lasting romantic connections, and nurture your inner child through playing more and working less!


For Libra, Pluto's re-entry into Capricorn focuses on your home, family, and emotional foundations. You've experienced profound changes in your domestic set up and now it's time to ensure that your living situation and family relationships reflect the person you've become. This period may involve making lasting decisions about where and how you live, or deepening your roots in a place that feels like home.


Scorpio, Pluto revisits the house of communication, learning, and your local environment. Over the years, you've likely experienced a transformation in how you think, communicate, and engage with your immediate surroundings. This is a time to solidify those changes, ensuring that your words and ideas carry the power and depth you've cultivated. It's also a good time to strengthen ties within your community or improve your skill set through learning new ways to express your ideas and foster relationships with like-minded people.


Pluto's return to Capricorn brings focus back to your financial resources, values, and self-worth. You've undergone significant transformations in your approach to money and material security. This final phase is about ensuring that your financial strategies are sustainable and aligned with your true values - your finances need to free you, not tie you down. It's a moment to solidify your sense of self-worth and let go of any lingering scarcity mindset. Believe in your own ability to bring about lasting positive change.


Capricorn, you could be forgiven for taking this transit a little personally. It really does feel like it's hitting you the hardest! You've been undergoing a profound transformation of your identity, goals, and life path and made impressive changes. This is another opportunity to fully embrace the power you've gained, to stand up on firm feet and to ensure that the person you are now is reflected in every aspect of your life. Let go of any remaining fears or limitations and step confidently into your true self.


For Aquarius, Pluto's return to Capricorn activates your subconscious mind, spirituality, and hidden patterns. Over the years, you've faced your deepest fears and learned to transform them into sources of strength. This period is about finalising this phases of your inner work, letting go of old baggage, and embracing a more empowered relationship with your inner world. It's a time for deep healing and spiritual growth, for being honest with yourself about the deeper parts of you and making room for them in your life.


Pisces, Pluto in Capricorn revisits your 11th house of friendships, social networks, and long-term goals. You've likely experienced a transformation in your social circles and aspirations, with some connections falling away and new ones which feel right emerging. This final phase encourages you to solidify the relationships and goals that truly resonate with who you are now. Focus on building a supportive community and pursuing dreams that align with your evolved sense of purpose.

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