5 Star
Jemima Cainer
Astrologer Daisy
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

The Perfect Holiday

by Jemima Cainer
Fri, 12th Jul

The Perfect Holiday

Zodiac Holidays

A Perfect Holiday for each Sign

Most schools in the UK break up for their Summer Holidays this week and the summer sun (or lack of it!) is beckoning us to venture out and explore a way to get away from it all. Learning more about yourself through Astrology can give you an insight into what you really need to relax. Taking time to enjoy yourself can be the key to unlocking your greater potential and preventing burnout.

Choosing a holiday that works for the whole family can be a little daunting - anybody with kids knows that trying to please all of them, all of the time is impossible!

So forget about sorting everybody else out - let's look at the perfect plans for your Summer break based on your Star sign...


Aries are known for their adventurous spirit and love of physical challenges. Not all Aries people love sport but they are usually always a little competitive! An ideal destination for you would be a trip to New Zealand or off the beaten track in Europe. The least relaxing place for an Aries to be is stuck on a Sunbed, it just leads to itchy feet and a desire to break free and find an adventure. Activities are what you need and a holiday surrounded by breathtaking scenery and chances to get your adrenaline pumping will have a rejuvenating effect.


Taureans are known for their exquisite taste and exacting standards. When it comes to a Holiday it is all about finishing touches that add a layer of luxury. The physical environment is important for Taureans too though - you are ruled by the Earth and connecting with its beauty has a relaxing effect. Indulging in a trip to somewhere like the French Riviera or a foodie tour of an Italian City would be perfect for you. Taureans notice things many others miss, the feel of a quality linen napkin on your lap and a comfortable place to catch up on some much-needed rest is essential!


Geminis are curious and energetic. You may sometimes imagine you would like nothing more than lying in the Sun but would quickly find yourself bored of anything too tranquil and seeking stimulation. An ideal break for you would be a trip to a bustling City. Travelling to somewhere like Tokyo or Amsterdam offers endless avenues for exploration and a chance to follow your heart towards whatever intrigues you. Most cities have that exciting blend of old and new and, combined with plenty of street food for you to tease your taste buds with, are a place where you can really be yourself and stay entertained!


Cancerians are known for having a deep connection to water and thrive near the Sea. The most important thing for Cancerians is their sense of home and we tend to find ourselves breathing a sigh of satisfaction when we see the Ocean and feel most secure when we have everything we need within easy reach. The closest a Cancerian can get to actually having a shell to escape into is holidaying in a caravan or camper. Camping isn't for everybody but Cancerians can make even the most basic accommodation feel homely. A beach holiday by campervan is just the ticket for a Cancer seeking rest and relaxation.


Leo's are attracted to nightlife like moths to flames. They can't resist a party, nor can they bear to feel a sense of FOMO! The best place for a Leo would be partying the Summer months away in Ibiza. There they can find lively nightlife and moments to shine as well as plenty of beautiful places to lie back and laze around until it's time to get moving again. As a Leo, you need big and bold entertainment but you also know the importance of time to lay back and relax in luxury. If you can't make it to Ibiza then a local Music festival is a great way for you to unwind too.


Virgo's tend to fall into one of two categories. There are those who are so health conscious and focused in their day-to-day life that they need to temper this in their leisure time and then there are those who really need to get away from it all because they tend to do too much! If you are in the first category then the best remedy this Summer is an indulgent break which forces you to do a lot of what you fancy and truly relax. And, if you are in the latter bunch then what you need is a retreat filled with smoothies, yoga and all the things you know you ought to do but never seem to find the time for...


Being ruled by Venus makes you exceptionally sensitive to your physical environment. Though you are capable of surviving in less than ideal conditions you need plenty of opportunity in your leisure time to be surrounded by beauty. This summer you could aim for an escape somewhere like Paris. Being immersed in culture and letting yourself get carried away in the romantic ideals of this city would be particularly soothing for a burnt-out Libran soul, as long as you put your phone down whilst you are there and take a real break!


Though Scorpions thrive in hot climates they need somewhere to retreat to. And even Scorpios who imagine they are just like everybody else and just want to lie near a pool find themselves getting bored of anything too shallow. That's because it is in your nature to seek out transformative and profound experiences which can really only be found when you step away from the comfort of a sunlounger and set off on an adventure. An ideal holiday for a Scorpio would include something mysterious to explore. Visit somewhere with a rich history and exciting culture!


Sagittarians are no stranger to adventure. But they don't need to travel far or embark on a Safari to find their thrills. If you are a Sagittarian then you will know that the best sense of excitement comes from the unknown. A package holiday is never going to scratch your itch for authentic exploration and your desire to find meaning through a little bit of risk. The best way to find that is by trusting your own instincts and creating a holiday for yourself which leaves plenty of boxes for you to tick by finding out as you go!


Capricorns sometimes worry about relaxing because they are secretly so tired of being successful that they imagine if they stopped for a break they might not ever be able to start back up again. But that is exactly why they need a holiday which is truly relaxing for them. If you are a Capricorn then you need to ensure that you get time to do absolutely nothing more than pleasing yourself. Rent a secluded villa and let yourself read, sleep or explore for as long as you like. If you can master the art of leisure time and really let your hair down you will only boost your energy for getting back to work.


Aquarians tend to be a little contrary. If I were to recommend a place to go to, you would probably choose the opposite! But wherever you end up, you can't help but foster a sense of community. Whether you are holidaying in an all-inclusive resort or travelling deep into the rainforest you can be sure of making friends along the way. If that drives people mad then they are not the companion you need. You are wise enough to know that the locals know best and being able to connect with culture is a great way for you to remind yourself of your true spirit.


Pisceans were made for taking holidays. It is as essential for them to have a dream getaway as it is for most people to have food and shelter! If you are a Pisces looking to get away from it all you don't need to go as far as the Maldives to find tranquillity. There are plenty of other places to capture your imagination which may be closer to home. What is important though is being near a body of water and ideally, taking some time out to do something creative. Art is not about the result but the process and finding time to incorporate this into your life is not just relaxing but could be very healing for your soul.

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