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Jemima Cainer
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New Moon Rituals

by Jemima Cainer
Sat, 3rd Aug

Align yourself to the New Moon

Zodiac Holidays

Connecting with the Moon helps you to connect with yourself.
(scroll down to find out what it means for your star sign)

Understanding the phases of the Moon and attuning yourself to her journey through the zodiac can be a powerful way to discover more about yourself. The Moon's movements through the signs each month and its pattern of phases can support us to live more consciously and to live a life which meets our needs and helps us to meet our potential.

Whether you are new to Astrology or have a long term foundation, the Moon is the most basic starting point in terms of honouring our connection to the cosmos. As our closest celestial body we feel her effects with a familial intensity. Her rhythms of change have great influence over our activity here, the tides of the sea and our emotional ebb and flow are ruled by the Moon.

Naturally then, if the Moon rules how we feel, she has great influence over how we react, choose to behave, and the choices we make.

The better we understand ourselves the more power we have over how our lives unfold - instead of reacting to events unconsciously we can begin to challenge ourselves to adapt and grow to our fullest potential.

What is a New Moon?

The new moon occurs when the moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, its illuminated side facing away from our planet, making it seemingly invisible from Earth. This is the point when the Moon conjoins with the Sun - they are at exactly the same point in the zodiac and their energy blends together. The Moon illuminates by reflecting light energy from the Sun.

Once a Month, by rejoining her energy with the Sun's, a seed point is sparked. The Moon rules our subconscious and the Sun, our conscious selves. At New Moon the veil between the two thins as the Sun and Moon meet each other in the zodiac and this is what allows us to manifest our innermost dreams into our conscious reality.

Resetting yourself, shedding the weight of what no longer needs to be carried, the Moon encourages us to come to a stop and consciously begin again. This is a powerful moment to set intentions. Astrologers talk about this all the time - but what does it really mean? We all have intentions. Most of the time they are good ones! But most of us know the feeling of setting out with the best plans for managing ourselves in a certain way and feeling like we fall victim to circumstances beyond our control...

How and when we set an intention matters. At the New Moon we have more celestial power behind the commitments we make. An intention is a bit like a wish. It is a way of saying, out loud or silently 'I will do this' or 'I am going to change that'.

When we consciously commit to making a change in direction or turning a page under a New Moon we have the Moon on our side. She lends her support to what we are wishing into being.

Intentions differ from goals in that they are not focused solely on outcomes but rather on the energy and mindset we bring to our actions. It is less about what we want to achieve and more about connecting with ourselves in a way which honours our innermost needs - to choose to be better on our own terms, for our own self.

The New Moon is a point of commitment that allows us to move forwards into the next Lunar Cycle. New Moons are recognised to be symbolic of the same kind of energy we experience at Winter Solstice, and with all birth. The sacred process of beginning anew doesn't always look like much. At winter Solstice the trees are bare and the earth appears barren. At New Moon, the sky is dark. We may wonder where the guidance of the Moon has gone... Trust that in the darkness hope and light are growing, ready to emerge and re-energise your soul.

Creating Your New Moon Ritual:

Preparation: Begin by creating a sacred space for your ritual. This could be a quiet corner of your home, a natural setting outdoors, or anywhere you feel connected to the energy of the moon. Picking something up and taking time to notice how it resonates with you helps to ground you and frame your mind for a moment of introspection. It might be a favourite item, a candle or a childhood toy or it could just be a feather leaf or rock that seems to speak to you. Then, try lighting a candle or an incense stick or making a cup of tea consciously, challenging yourself to notice every part of the process - even the boring bits you might normally do on autopilot!

Meditation and Reflection: Take time to center yourself through meditation or reflection. Connect with your breath and tune into the energy of the new moon. There is absolutely no requirement to quieten your mind or to meditate for any length of time. A single, conscious breath counts! The important thing is to think back over the last Lunar cycle - so the last four weeks since the previous New Moon. Ask yourself what you have learned. It is not about lamenting bad decisions or hard times, just about recognising what you have been going through and giving yourself time to consider what intentions you want to bring into the coming cycle. Try blowing out any negative feelings which arise.

Setting intentions: Ideally, write down your intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. A Journal or diary is a great tool for self reflection and accountability but there is no rule about how to set an intention! Some people prefer to speak them out loud or simply to think them through or even draw or paint them. The material is less important than the mindset of the process. Try to be specific, but also allow room for flexibility and growth. SMART targets, mind maps and spreadsheets are optional for this work! Focus on how you want to feel, rather than solely on objective achievements. We are setting intentions by the Moon so naturally this is a subjective process.

Creating your ritual: A ritual doesn't have to be complicated or incorporate strange practises to be effective. For many people, simple is better. Choose actions that resonate with you, such as lighting candles, burning sage or engaging in some kind of symbolic gestures like pouring water or planting a seed. Physically carrying out an act with focus and clarity will amplify the energy of your intentions. New moon rituals need not be elaborate or time-consuming to be effective. Even a few moments of quiet reflection and intention-setting can have a profound impact on your life. Check out my suggestions for your sign and try out your own manifesting ritual at the next New Moon.

...based on your Star sign:


Aries is the first fire sign of the zodiac. You light the flame of life and best connect to your powers of manifestation through this element. Light a red candle or have a fire and write down your intentions for the next cycle. Put the candle on top of the intentions, or safely burn them, and challenge yourself to be patient, taking time to watch as the warmth of the dancing flame carries your wishes to the cosmos. Connecting to your body through a physical activity is another great way to connect with your inner purpose and drive.

Your New Moon Affirmation is:

"I am a powerful creator. I take inspired action towards my goals."


A Taurus manifests best by spending time in nature or creating a small altar with natural elements like stones, flowers, and soil. Collecting beautiful things will focus your Taurean power. Write down what you want to manifest and put it underneath a plant. Let the energy of Earth grow your wish to fruition.

Your New Moon Affirmation is:

"I am grounded and secure. Abundance flows to me effortlessly."


Geminis thrive when they are communicating. This doesn't necessarily have to be a conversation but doing a ritual with a friend or partner can help you to feel connected. If you would rather work alone, get yourself a favourite pen, the sparklier the better. Try writing a letter to yourself or somebody you feel you need to clear the air with and keep it in a beautiful notebook.

Your New Moon Affirmation is:

"I express myself clearly and openly. New ideas and understanding flow effortlessly into my life."


Cancerians are water creatures. Pouring yourself a bath or immersing yourself in any natural water source can empower you to release emotional stress and clear your mind to set New Moon intentions. If you can get to a beach you could write your New Moon intentions and release them to the Sea.

Your New Moon Affirmation is:

"I release what no longer serves me. I nurture myself and the world around me."


The best way for a Leo to manifest is through play. You are a creative being and expressing yourself through any artistic medium is a great way to connect to your inner purpose. Buy or make yourself a crown to wear for your ritual and treat yourself to anything that feels suitably luxe. Burning a Yellow or gold candle and writing or drawing out your intentions into some kind of display will infuse your New Moon wishes with Leo energy.

Your New Moon Affirmation is:

"I shine my light brightly. I am confident and creative."


Virgo's are much more interesting than many Astrologers would make out but a sense of organisation in your physical environment is indeed essential for you to maximise your manifestation potential. Watering your plants or spending time in your garden or a park will help you to connect to your inner self and the power of your ruling Element, Earth. Try taking a walk through woods and writing your intentions in a clearing beneath the Trees.

Your New Moon Affirmation is:

"I control how I respond. I manifest healing and growth in all areas of my life."


Begin by finding a physical place where you feel serene and peaceful. It doesn't have to be a candlelit tent or a spa, you might prefer a wine bar or a coffee shop with a beautiful decor or great view, with a favourite friend. The point is to feel relaxed and to remind yourself of your Libran essence. Talking things through and expressing your intentions either on the phone or in person is a great start for a New Moon Ritual.

Your New Moon Affirmation is:

"I am in harmony with myself and others. Balance and beauty flow effortlessly in my life."


If you don't have access to your own secret cave to retreat to, try creating one! Heal your inner Scorpio child by building a den or creating a cosy space behind a locked door where you can be totally safe to connect with your inner truth and be yourself. As a Water sign, a shower or bath in a dark room would be ideal. Bonus points for lighting a candle and (safely!) burning your intentions to release your wishes into the cosmos to be fulfilled.

Your New Moon Affirmation is:

"I embrace transformation. I open myself to the new and choose to release what no longer serves me."


How do you feel about the colour purple? To maximise the influence of your ruling planet Jupiter in your New Moon manifestations, get yourself a candle in that colour. As the final fire sign in the Zodiac you put the finishing touches on dreaming big and making your intentions known. From the flame of your purple candle, light an indoor sparkler. As you watch it fizz and glitter you can speak your intentions to the fire and bless your wishes with wisdom as they embark on their adventure into the Universe.

Your New Moon Affirmation is:

"I share my generosity and wisdom. My life is an exciting adventure filled with hope."


Capricorns are the grandfather of the zodiac but you are not required to don a pipe and slippers for your New Moon ritual - unless of course you want to! Connecting with your deep inner wisdom though and your innate ability to see and plan ahead gives you an advantage when it comes to Manifesting under a New Moon. But, this is not about strategy, but feelings. Take time and space to connect with your emotions, ideally, in Nature. A walk up a hill (doesn't have to be a big one) will focus your mind and body and remind you of your power.

Your New Moon Affirmation is:

"I am worthy of love regardless of my success. I achieve my goals with ease."


Aquarius is the last sign of the zodiac ruled by Air. You are not afraid to live your truth or to question the world around you, always looking for a way to make it a better place. Your New Moon ritual would ideally include something that makes you feel most free. Taking time away from any commitments to do something just for the joy of it will focus your manifesting power. Giving what you can, whether it's your time or energy to a charitable cause will encourage kindness to flow back to you and remind you of your best quality - kindness.

Your New Moon Affirmation is:

"I am innovative and valuable. I share my gifts with the world around me and reap benefits of positive connection."


You are the most Psychic sign in the zodiac with an incredible gift of empathy and understanding others. How often do you turn this understanding inwards? Challenge yourself to focus on helping yourself through your New Moon ritual. Be as creative as you wish with the way you make your wishes - I don't need to teach my granny to suck any eggs here! A great starting point is painting to express your intentions though or writing a poem. Connecting with a body of water beyond your washing up bowl will magnify your manifestation powers and help you to relax your mind into a state of receptive creativity.

Your New Moon Affirmation is:

"I am supported by divine forces. My intuition guides me."

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